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Property Damage

Houston Property Damage Attorneys

Call for a Free Case Evaluation Now

The Houston property damage lawyers at The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja have spent decades aggressively and tirelessly pursuing cases against insurance companies who fail to follow the law and the promises in their policies. You should not have to pay money to fix your home when the insurance company must pay. However, there are deadlines on your case, which means you should reach out to us as soon as possible.

We provide property owners a chance to learn more about their cases with a free case evaluation. Schedule yours by calling us at (713) 561-5454 or send us a message online. The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja will never charge you any legal and attorneys’ fees unless we win your case.

How Our Houston Property Damage Lawyers Will Help

Very few property damage cases are straightforward. Some claims involve minor repairs and may not require legal intervention at all. On the other hand, others are more complicated and may include insurance companies using unsavory practices to convince you to take a lesser settlement.

Do Not Fall for Common Insurer Tactics

This strategy enables them to turn a higher profit. Plus, the insurance company may have missed critical details in its decision-making process. Houston property damage lawyers will ensure that you have someone on your side to double-check their work, find inconsistencies, or preserve irrefutable evidence that speaks to your claim.

Property Damage Experts On Your Side

One common strategy that we use to negotiate higher settlements is to work with property damage experts to calculate the damage to your home. We will compare our findings with that of the insurance company and incorporate them into our case strategy. With the help of these experts, your case has a chance to quash some of their defenses while putting you in the power position.

Common Types of Houston Property Damage Cases We Handle

Property damage occurs when your home suffers from damage at no fault of your own. You have a right to recover an award that pays for covered losses, including home repairs, personal property damage reimbursement, and lodging expenses. Houston property damage lawyers understand that insurance companies may fight back against your claim, but we will tirelessly mount an offensive and defensive strategy that seeks to obtain the highest possible award.

Common types of property damage cases we represent in the Houston metro area include:

  • Weather damage
  • Construction defects
  • Negligence
  • Faulty repairs
  • Insurance denials
  • Other types of property damage matters

One of the most egregious mistakes that homeowners make is not getting someone to independently evaluate their cases. Once you sign on your Claim Release’s dotted line, you cannot go back to the insurance company later and demand more money. Get your case right the first time by hiring an experienced Houston property damage lawyer at The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja.

You Deserve Additional Compensation for a “Bad Faith” Property Damage Claim

Insurance carriers have a financial responsibility to insured parties to pay their claims according to state and federal laws and the terms of their policies. When they fail to meet these requirements, you may be entitled to additional forms of compensation through a bad faith and unfair dealing case.

Common bad faith and unfair dealing property damage insurance denials usually exhibit the following actions on behalf of the insurer:

  • Unfairly denying your property damage claim
  • Not paying your property damage claim promptly
  • Not processing your property damage claim promptly
  • Claiming that the repairs were due to pre-existing damage
  • Alleging that you did not file your claim on time
  • Failing to return your telephone calls, emails, and letters
  • Making false or misleading statements during the claims process
  • Improperly evaluating your property damage claim
  • Other types of bad faith and unfair dealing actions

Insurance companies have an unfair advantage over their customers. They have resources and institutional knowledge at their disposal. This situation is likely your first when it comes to fighting with an insurance company.

Our Houston property damage lawyers have an unrelenting work ethic and dedication toward helping victims of property damage and unfair business practices. We will work toward safeguarding your case, mounting a robust strategy, and helping your get answers to your questions as they arise.

You can rely upon The Law Offices of Omar Khawaja to get you the legal care and attention that you deserve.


Need Legal Help? We Are Available

A free case evaluation will help you gain insight and clarity into your situation. It will also help you determine if you need to hire Houston property damage lawyers to represent you and your loved ones. 

Schedule yours now by calling our law firm at (713) 561-5454 or send us a private message directly.

Hurry Before the Timeclock Runs Out

Federal and state laws impose time limitations on your ability to file a claim in the form of statutes of limitations. Other notification deadlines may apply as well. If you miss any of these due dates, then you forfeit your right to file a property damage claim and will be stuck with the cost of repairs and replacements.

These deadlines vary on a case-by-case basis. Instead of leaving your claim’s timeline to chance, work with Houston property damage lawyers to help you file your case promptly. By working with our Houston-based legal team, you will avoid legal mistakes altogether.

Real Injuries. Real Results.

We Have the Experience You Can Rely On
  • $15 Million Dram Shop Liability
  • $4.9 Million Pedestrian Accident

    Our team represented an individual who was injured in a pedestrian accident.

  • $3 Million Truck Accident

    Our team represented an individual who was rear-ended by a commercial truck.

  • $1.2 Million Sexual Assault

    Our team represented an individual who was sexually assaulted at an apartment complex due to negligent security.

  • $1 Million Rear-End Collision

    Our team represented an individual who was injured after being rear-ended.

  • $675,000 Dangerous Property

    Our team represented our client against a commercial property owner who failed to warn our client (their tenant) of an unreasonably dangerous condition.