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Single-Vehicle Accidents

Houston Single-Vehicle Accident Attorney

Injured in a Single-Vehicle Accident in Houston, TX?

At the Law Offices of Omar Khawaja, we understand the challenges that can arise from a single-vehicle accident. These incidents can be complex and may leave drivers and passengers unsure about their rights and options. If you’ve been involved in a single-vehicle accident in Houston, our experienced attorneys are here to help you pursue compensation for your injuries and damages. With a dedicated focus on personal injury law, we are ready to guide you through every step of your claim.

Call (713) 561-5454 or contact us online today to request a free initial consultation.

What is a Single-Vehicle Accident?

A single-vehicle accident occurs when only one vehicle is involved in a crash. These accidents often involve the driver losing control of the vehicle, causing it to collide with an object, such as a guardrail, tree, building, or other stationary structures. In many cases, these accidents can result in serious injuries, even if no other vehicles are involved.

Although some may assume that the driver is always at fault in a single-vehicle accident, this is not always the case. Various external factors, such as road conditions, vehicle defects, or other drivers’ actions, can contribute to these types of crashes.

Common Causes of Single-Vehicle Accidents

Single-vehicle accidents can happen for many reasons. Understanding the common causes can help you identify whether there were external factors at play that may reduce or eliminate your liability in the accident. Some of the most frequent causes include:

  • Hazardous Road Conditions: Potholes, poor road maintenance, slick or icy roads, and uneven pavement can all cause drivers to lose control. In these instances, a government entity responsible for maintaining the road may be liable for the accident.
  • Poor Weather Conditions: Houston’s weather can be unpredictable, with heavy rain and flooding being common issues. Slippery roads from rain or even fallen debris can contribute to accidents where a driver might lose control despite cautious driving.
  • Mechanical Failures or Vehicle Defects: Sometimes, a single-vehicle accident occurs due to a mechanical failure or defect, such as a tire blowout, brake failure, or steering malfunction. If this is the case, the manufacturer or mechanic who recently worked on the vehicle may be held liable.
  • Avoiding Collisions with Other Vehicles: Often, a single-vehicle accident can happen when a driver swerves to avoid another vehicle that has cut them off or is driving recklessly. In these cases, the other driver may share some responsibility for the crash, even if they were not physically involved in the accident.
  • Driver Fatigue or Impairment: Driver fatigue or impairment from alcohol, drugs, or distractions such as texting can lead to loss of control and result in a single-vehicle accident. In these instances, the driver may be held responsible, but external factors may still come into play.
  • Animal Crossings: In certain situations, animals crossing the road can cause drivers to swerve and lose control, resulting in a crash. While there may not be a party to hold liable for an animal crossing, drivers should still understand their legal options if this occurs.

Who is Liable in a Single-Vehicle Accident in Texas?

One of the most critical aspects of any accident is determining who is liable. In a single-vehicle accident, it may seem that the driver is always responsible. However, this is not always the case. Texas law allows for several scenarios where someone other than the driver may be at fault, including:

  • Third-Party Drivers: Even if only one vehicle was involved in the crash, a third-party driver could be responsible if their reckless or negligent behavior caused the accident. For example, if another driver cuts you off, causing you to swerve and crash, they may be liable for your injuries and damages.
  • Government Entities: If hazardous road conditions, such as potholes, lack of signage, or poor road maintenance, contributed to your accident, the government entity responsible for maintaining the road may be liable. Filing a claim against a government entity can be complex, as specific procedures and timelines must be followed.
  • Vehicle Manufacturers or Mechanics: If a mechanical failure or defect caused your accident, the vehicle manufacturer or the mechanic who recently worked on your car may be held liable. In these cases, product liability laws or negligence claims may apply.
  • Private Property Owners: If your accident occurred due to hazardous conditions on private property, such as a poorly maintained parking lot, the property owner may be held responsible for your injuries.
  • Rideshare and Commercial Drivers: If you were a passenger in a rideshare vehicle (e.g., Uber, Lyft) or a commercial vehicle involved in a single-vehicle accident, the driver or their employer may be liable for your injuries. In these situations, complex insurance policies often come into play, and it is essential to have a knowledgeable attorney on your side.

Filing a Single-Vehicle Accident Claim

If you have been involved in a single-vehicle accident in Houston, you may still be entitled to compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and other damages. To file a claim, you must first establish who was at fault for the accident. At the Law Offices of Omar Khawaja, our attorneys will thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding your accident to determine whether another party’s negligence contributed to the crash.

We will gather evidence such as police reports, witness statements, traffic camera footage, and expert testimony to build a strong case on your behalf. Our goal is to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve to cover medical bills, property damage, pain and suffering, and other losses.

Contact us today at (713) 561-5454 to speak with our Houston single-vehicle accident attorneys.

Real Injuries. Real Results.

We Have the Experience You Can Rely On
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