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Jackknife Accidents

Jackknife Accident Attorneys in Houston

Get the Compensation You Deserve

One of the most feared types of truck accidents is a jackknife. When a truck jackknifes, the trailer swings out to the side of the cab, creating a dangerous angle that can cause the truck to roll over.

If you or a loved one were injured in a jackknife accident, you need the help of an experienced team. At the Law Offices of Omar Khawaja, our Houston jackknife accident lawyer is dedicated to helping the victims of truck accidents fight for their rights and get the compensation they need to recover.

Call us at (713) 561-5454 or online for a free consultation with our knowledgeable team today.

What Causes Jackknife Truck Accidents?

Jackknife truck accidents are caused by the cab of the truck stopping or slowing down while the trailer continues to move forward. This can cause the trailer to swing out to the side, creating a dangerous angle that can cause the truck to roll over. When a truck jackknifes, the truck driver loses all control of the vehicle, which can make the accident even more dangerous.

Some common causes of jackknife truck accidents include:

  • Braking Issues: Sudden braking can cause the trailer to skid, leading to a dangerous situation where the trailer swings out of alignment with the cab. Brake malfunctions, especially when the trailer’s brakes lock up while the cab’s do not, can also trigger a jackknife accident.
  • Road Conditions: Slippery surfaces, such as wet or icy roads, reduce the traction between the tires and the road, making it easier for the trailer to lose stability and jackknife. Uneven or bumpy roads can also destabilize the trailer, increasing the risk of it swinging out of control.
  • Speeding: Driving at excessive speeds, particularly in adverse weather conditions or on curves, makes it difficult to maintain control over the trailer, significantly increasing the likelihood of a jackknife accident.
  • Improper Loading: Unbalanced loads can shift during transit, causing the trailer to become unstable and more prone to jackknifing. Overloading the trailer adds excessive weight, which can strain the brakes and make the vehicle harder to control.
  • Driver Error: Overcorrecting a skid or swerve can cause the trailer to swing out and jackknife. Inexperienced drivers, unfamiliar with handling a tractor-trailer, may also make mistakes that increase the risk of such accidents.
  • Mechanical Failures: A sudden tire blowout, especially on the trailer, can cause it to lose control and jackknife. Steering problems can also make it difficult to keep the vehicle aligned, leading to a higher risk of a jackknife.
  • Weather Conditions: Strong winds can push the trailer, particularly when it’s lightly loaded, causing it to sway and potentially jackknife. Poor visibility from fog, heavy rain, or snow can lead to overcorrections, which may result in a jackknife accident.

What Are the Most Common Injuries in Jackknife Accidents?

Some of the most common injuries in jackknife truck accidents include:

  • Head injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Internal injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Burns
  • Amputations
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Get the Help You Need Today

Truck accident cases can be complicated, which is why it is important to get an experienced attorney on your side. At the Law Offices of Omar Khawaja, we are dedicated to helping the victims of truck accidents fight for their rights and get the compensation they need to recover. We will work tirelessly to investigate your case, gather evidence, and build a strong claim on your behalf. If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement, we will not hesitate to take your case to court and fight for you in front of a jury.

Our team is here to help you. Call us at (713) 561-5454 or online to schedule a free consultation with our Houston jackknife accident attorney today.

Real Injuries. Real Results.

We Have the Experience You Can Rely On
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  • $1 Million Rear-End Collision

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  • $675,000 Dangerous Property

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