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Tire Blowouts

Houston Tire Blowout Lawyer

Advocating for Victims of Tire Blowout Accidents in Houston & Surrounding Areas

Tire blowouts are not only a common cause of car accidents, they can be deadly. Unfortunately, these accidents often occur at high speeds and can easily result in rollovers and other serious collisions. At the Law Offices of Omar Khawaja, our tire blowout lawyer in Houston can help you explore your legal options and seek the maximum compensation you deserve.

Contact us online or call (713) 561-5454 to request a free consultation with a tire blowout attorney in Houston.

What is a Tire Blowout?

A tire blowout occurs when a tire suddenly and rapidly loses air pressure. This can happen for several reasons, but it is most often the result of a tire defect or poor tire maintenance. When a tire blows out, the driver may lose control of the vehicle, particularly if they are traveling at a high speed. This can cause the vehicle to roll over or collide with other vehicles or objects.

Tire blowouts can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Tire Defects: Unfortunately, tire manufacturers do not always produce safe or reliable products. In some cases, tire blowouts are caused by inherent defects in the design or manufacturing of the tire. When a tire is defective, it may not be able to handle the heat and pressure of the road, which can cause it to blow out.
  • Tire Age: Tires are not meant to last forever. Over time, the rubber can become dry and brittle. This makes the tire more susceptible to blowouts. As a general rule, tires should be replaced every six years, regardless of how much tread they have left.
  • Tire Damage: Tires can be damaged in a number of ways. For example, running over a pothole or sharp object can cause the tire to become punctured. If the tire is not promptly repaired or replaced, it may be more prone to blowouts. Similarly, underinflated tires are more likely to blow out. Tires should be checked regularly and properly inflated to avoid accidents.
  • Tire Recalls: If a tire is found to be defective, the manufacturer may issue a recall. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of tire recalls and continue to use the defective product. This can put their lives and the lives of others at risk.

Who s Liable for a Tire Blowout Accident?

Liability for a tire blowout accident will depend on the specific circumstances involved. In some cases, the tire manufacturer may be held liable if a tire defect caused the blowout. In other cases, the tire retailer or tire installer may be held liable if they improperly installed the tire or sold a tire that was known to be defective.

If a tire blowout was caused by poor vehicle maintenance, the driver may be held liable for the accident. If another driver’s negligent or wrongful conduct led to the blowout, they may be held liable for the accident and your resulting damages.

How Our Tire Blowout Lawyer Can Help You

If you were injured in a tire blowout accident, you may be facing a number of serious challenges. For example, you may be unable to work and earn a living, which can put you in a precarious financial situation. You may also be facing mounting medical bills and other expenses. Our tire blowout lawyer in Houston can help you seek the compensation you need to pay for your medical treatment, lost wages, and other damages.

At the Law Offices of Omar Khawaja, we have extensive experience handling all types of tire blowout accident claims. When you choose us to represent you, we will conduct a thorough investigation into the cause of your accident. We will gather all available evidence, including the police report, your medical records, and any photos or videos of the accident scene. We will also consult with experts and accident reconstruction specialists, if necessary, to help us build the strongest possible case on your behalf.

Our tire blowout attorney in Houston will aggressively negotiate with the insurance company, seeking a fair settlement on your behalf. We are skilled litigators and are not afraid to take a case to trial, if necessary. You can rely on us to provide the compassionate legal guidance you deserve and the tenacious representation you need.

Call (713) 561-5454 or online today to request your free consultation with a tire blowout attorney in Houston.

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We Have the Experience You Can Rely On
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  • $1 Million Rear-End Collision

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